Organization: Twin Cities Community Agricultural Land Trust
Despite the accrual of conservation benefits from long-term urban agriculture and farmers’ commitment to conservation, and the many resources dedicated to conservation in Minnesota, many Minnesota urban growers are pushed into environmentally wasteful practices as a result of insecure land tenure and lack of resources. The bulk of farm production in the Twin Cities region occurs on land rented year to year, while urban agriculture policy is complex and often deems urban food cultivation an interim land use, disincentivizing economic investment in conservation.
Many metro and state organizations and agencies have resources or land that could more easily be accessed by community farmers and gardeners. Building on a 2022 policy review conducted by TCALT for Ramsey County that identified a substantial list of resource holders, this project assembles easier resource/land access methods. This CURA assistantship will follow up with identified agencies and organizations to workshop application processes and pilot support projects.