The Center for Urban and Regional Affairs (CURA) is pleased to announce the competition for the 2025–2026 Fesler-Lampert Chair in Urban and Regional Affairs, and invites interested faculty from across the University of Minnesota to apply for this award.

The Fesler-Lampert Chair in Urban and Regional Affairs provides one year of support for the research activities of a University of Minnesota faculty member on a project related to urban and regional affairs in Minnesota. Previous holders of the chair have used this support to complete projects on urban environmental policy advocacy in the Twin Cities, employee turnover and retention…

The Center for Urban and Regional Affairs (CURA) invites proposals for our Community Action Research Grant (formerly the Faculty Interactive Research Program, FIRP). University of Minnesota faculty are critical resources in exploring issues and concerns important to Minnesota, such as the criminal justice system, demography, state or local economic development, education, employment, energy, the environment, health, housing, state and local government, welfare and…


In honor of the late Esther Wattenberg, the Center for Advanced Studies in Child Welfare and the Center for Urban and Regional Affairs (CURA) will be hosting the 2024 Esther Wattenberg Policy Forum.

2024 Esther Wattenberg Policy Award recipient - Nikki Villavicencio


The Esther Wattenberg Policy Award recognizes exemplary policy work and contributions impacting children and families in Minnesota. We will honor the 2024 Esther Wattenberg Policy Award recipient, Nikki Villavicencio, the disability culture and leadership specialist at…

Researchers: David Beard (Professor of Rhetoric, Department of English, Linguistics, and Writing Studies, University of Minnesota Duluth); Kim Dauner (Associate Professor of Healthcare Management, Department of Economics and Healthcare Management, University of Minnesota Duluth); Julie Slowiak (Associate Professor of Industrial and Organizational Psychology, Department of Psychology, University of Minnesota Duluth); and Kathryn Van Wert (Assistant Professor of English, Department of English, Linguistics, and Writing Studies, University of Minnesota Duluth)

An interdisciplinary team works with critical access hospitals in Ely, Grand Marais, Bigfork Valley, and…

CURA is pleased to announce the recipients of this year′s Community Action Research Grant

  • David Beard (Professor of Rhetoric, Department of English, Linguistics, and Writing Studies, University of Minnesota Duluth), lead researcher: A Partnership…

Researcher: Lynette Renner (School of Social Work)

Intimate partner violence (IPV) includes physical, sexual, emotional, and economic abuse by an intimate partner. It affects more than one-third of all women can have harmful consequences on the health, well-being, and safety of individuals, families, and communities. Most courts in the U.S. mandate participation in batterers’ intervention programs (BIPs) as part of domestic violence/IPV convictions, yet most BIPs are never evaluated. The purpose of this community-engaged project is to evaluate the BIPs run through Domestic Abuse Project (DAP), a Minneapolis-based non-profit agency whose mission is to build…

Researcher: Bonnie Keeler (Humphrey School of Public Affairs)

Tribal communities face unique threats from environmental contaminants due to high reliance on subsistence foods and cultural uses. Tribes seeking to protect their lands and waters from contamination can seek federal authority to establish and enforce water quality standards. However, the process of asserting tribal authority to regulate surface waters is expensive, time consuming, and requires careful legal and political calculations. The proposed project will work in collaboration with three Minnesota tribes to document past successes and challenges in asserting authority to regulate and protect…

The Center for Urban and Regional Affairs (CURA) invites proposals for our Community Action Research Grant (formerly the Faculty Interactive Research Program, FIRP). University of Minnesota faculty are critical resources in exploring issues and concerns important to Minnesota, such as the criminal justice system, demography, state or local economic development, education, employment, energy, the environment, health, housing, state and local government, welfare and…

By Samuel David, Department of Curriculum and Instruction at the College of Education and Human Development, and Mabindra Regmi, graduate research assistant


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People are on the move. The forces of global commerce and connectivity have conspired with the disruptions of conflict…