Lisa Bates
Lisa Bates, Associate Professor of Urban Planning, Portland State University

African American communities, enclosed and excluded by discrimination and disinvestment, are now being dismantled by gentrification in many of our cities. In the face of impending erasure, communities of color are organizing to demand not only mitigating anti-displacement policies, but de-gentrification and the right to stay in place.

Addressing this demand requires more than just a gesture towards equity concerns, but analyzing and correcting for the unjust distributional impacts of investments. How can we grapple with these issues of housing and neighborhood revitalization in our cities in ways that not only acknowledge historical legacies, but also engage present day planning practices? 

In her talk "De-Gentrifying Portland: so hopefully you won’t have to go through that," Dr. Lisa K. Bates will speak about her research and practice in Portland, Oregon’s historically Black neighborhoods. Lessons drawn point to challenges, but also strategies and opportunities to center racial justice in policy and planning.

Video from the event


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