home owners and displacement at UAA
CURA researchers and research projects were well represented at the recent Urban Affairs Association (UAA) conference in Los Angeles, April 24-27, 2019. In addition to the sessions below, Dr. Brittany Lewis was asked to participate on an activist scholarship panel by Professor Lisa Bates from Portland State University.
Sessions presented by CURA researchers:
- Gentrification and concentrated poverty by Professor Edward G Goetz, Anthony Damiano, Dr. Brittany Lewis, and Molly Calhoun
- Typologies of Fear in the Gentrifying City: Studying the politics of fear in Minneapolis and St. Paul by Molly Calhoun, Dr. Britany Lewis, Professor Edward G Goetz, and Anthony Damiano
- Neighborhood effects of new housing supply in Minneapolis by Anthony Damiano
- Residential segregation of low to moderate income households in Beijing: An empirical study of private sector rental housing by Yi Wang
- Saving the Park: Mobile home owners against displacement by Rashad Williams and Professor Edward G Goetz
- Black men are locked up, Black women are locked out: An in-depth mixed methodological study of evictions in North Minneapolis by Dr. Brittany Lewis, Molly Calhoun, Professor Edward G Goetz, and Anthony Damiano