Ann Masten, Distinguished McKnight University Professor at the Institute of Child Development, was named the 2011–2012 Fesler-Lampert Chair in Urban and Regional Affairs.

For the last several decades, Masten’s research has focused on risk and resilience among homeless and highly mobile children, particularly as they relate to educational achievement and developmental outcomes important for long-term health and well-being. The resources provided by her appointment as Fesler-Lampert Chair in Urban and Regional Affairs will allow Masten and her colleagues to initiate a new phase of community-based collaborative work focused on promoting school readiness and success among homeless and highly mobile children through interventions to build executive function skills, which are increasingly recognized as critical to educational success. The overall goal of this work is to build capacity and strategies for addressing the striking disparities that Masten and her colleagues have documented in the Minneapolis Public Schools (MPS) related to poverty and homeless and highly mobile status. The results of this research will be published in a future issue of the CURA Reporter.

Project Award Date: 


Community organization or agency: 

Minneapolis Public Schools

Sponsoring CURA Program: 

Fesler-Lampert Chair in Urban and Regional Affairs

CURA Contact: 

Edward Goetz Director, CURA (612) 624-8737