Neighborhood leaders asked for a cheat sheet to help connect Area Median Income (or AMI) levels to acutal incomes, rents and shares of the Twin Cities population. We made this guide for Minneapolis and St Paul, based on one created by the Association for Neighborhood and Housing Development, Inc. Thanks to them!

Download a pdf version of the AMI Cheat Sheet for Minneapolis and St Paul here.

Read the fine print at the bottom of the guide for details about the numbers and data sources. And get in touch if you have questions about how we did the calculations, or if you want a version for your Minnesota city.

The Metropolitan Council published this piece that explains what AMI is. This piece from Greater Greater Washington also offers a good explanation, though in the context of Washington, D.C.

Note: This file was updated on June 7, 2018 to correct two small errors, one in the 110% band and the other in the High Income band.

2017 AMI Cheat Sheet for Minneapolis

2017 AMI Cheat Sheet for St. Paul